Known discography of MATTHEW BOWER
matthew bower is a MEMBER in ...
rate it skullflowerbirthdeath 198912" ep broken flag
rate it skullflowerform destroyer 198912" broken flag
rate it skullflowerruins 1990CD shock
rate it skullflowerxaman 1990CD shock
rate it skullflowerrotten sun 19917" toejam
rate it skullflowerbad alchemy 19927" dying earth
rate it skullflowerIIIrd gatekeeper 1992CD headdirt
rate it ...
comin' down fast! a gathering of garbage, lies, and r
eflections on charles manson
1993CD helter skelter
rate it ...
v/a: shrine 1993CD cold spring / trident music international
rate it skullflowerlast shot at heaven 1993CD noiseville
rate it skullflowerobsidian shaking codex 1993CD RRR
rate it skullflowerponyland 19937" sympathy for the record industry
rate it skullflowerwhite fang #2 19947" freek
rate it totalsky blue void 1994CD freek
rate it skullflowerchoady foster 19947" helter skelter
rate it skullflowercarved into roses 1994CD vhf
rate it skullflower ramlehadieu, all you judges split CD 1995CD broken flag
rate it skullflowervillage sorting 19957" self abuse
rate it skullflowerargon 1995CD freek
rate it skullflowerinfinityland 1995CD headdirt
rate it totalexploded star sad servant 1995CD self-abuse
rate it skull flowerthe starlit mire parts I-IV 19967" kubitsuri tapes
rate it skullflowertransformer 1996CD sympathy for the record industry
rate it skullflowerthis is skullflower 1996CD vhf
rate it totalthe starlit mire parts I-IV 19977" rural electrification program
rate it skullflowerexquisite fucking boredom 2003CD tumult
rate it skullflowerorange canyon mind 2005CD crucial blast
rate it skullflowertribulation 2006CD crucial blast
rate it skullflowerabyssic lowland hiss 2007CD self-released
rate it skullflowerIIIrd gatekeeper 2007CD crucial blast
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